Rawgold's Day Training Details
Geology Tutorial and Gold Prospecting Field Training
Gold is getting harder to find and the smarter you can be, the better your success. Whether you’re a beginner, a serious gold prospector, a full time professional or a small scale miner, Andrew provides unique, easy to understand geological techniques in layman’s terms. "Let me share with you cutting edge techniques that will place you ahead of the game in finding more gold."
A summary of what you will learn:
- Discover the connection between geology and gold
- Learn the secrets of how a geologist thinks.
- Discover techniques to read the ground
- Vital skills in the discovery of finding patches
Details on Day Training:
The first half of the day training will comprise of a class style tutorial covering:
- Geological theory, including rock types, structural theory and mineralising features
- Learning to read the ground, successful prospecting techniques
- Geological signs to look for when out in the field
The second half of the course will be out in the field putting into practice the learnings from the morning session and reading the ground in 3 dimensions.